Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard

Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard

Bureau de Düsseldorf

+49 211 942508-50


Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard conseille des entreprises allemandes et étrangères dans les domaines du droit des sociétés, du droit des groupes, du droit des transformations et des fusions et acquisitions. Elle conseille et représente également des entreprises françaises et allemandes dans des dossiers transfrontaliers en droit des affaires. Mélanie est inscrite au barreau de Paris et membre du barreau de Düsseldorf.

Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard est chargée d’enseignement en droit civil français à l'université de Düsseldorf. Elle est titulaire d'un master franco-allemand en droit des affaires de l'Université de Cergy-Pontoise et de l'Université de Düsseldorf.

Domaines d’activité principaux

Einblick in Deals und Mandate von DFA.

German - French fiduciary transfer

DFA’s Christian Franz and Mélanie Clerc advise French Group in the recognition in Germany of the fiduciary transfer (fiducie) under French law of shares in the Group’s German GmbH subsidiary as collateral of the refinancing of the client group, and in the perfection of the transfer with regard to German transfer of title rules. 

#Corporate #French Desk

Level-up I fund invests in Awesome Prototype GmbH

DFA's Christian Franz and Mélanie Clerc (French desk) advised Level-Up Ventures, a Fund based in France/ Luxembourg in their investment in Awesome Prototype GmbH, Berlin.

Level-Up  is an investment fund primarily focused on mobile studios and gaming technologies.

#Venture Capital #French Desk

A few case examples for our practice from the last 20+ years with hands on management by the partners of DFA

Level-up I fund invests in MEta Games

DFA's Christian Franz and Mélanie Clerc (French desk) advised Level-Up Ventures, a Fund based in France/ Luxembourg in their investment in the gaming studio MEta Games.

Level-Up  is an investment fund primarily focused on mobile studios and gaming technologies.

Venture Capital #French Desk

Recent ICC arbitration proceedings in Paris


DFA team members have acted as counsel for oil and mining player in ICC arbitration in Paris involving German and French legal aspects.

#Dispute Resolution# International Business law #French Desk

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