Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard

Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard - Associate Düsseldorf office

Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard, Associate

- Düsseldorf Office -

+49 211 942508-50


Mélanie Clerc--Dugas du Villard advises foreign and German companies on corporate law, group law, transformation law and M&A. She also advises and represents French and German companies on their cross-border business law matters. Melanie has admission to the Bar of Paris and is Member of the Bar of Düsseldorf. 

Melanie is Lecturer in French civil law at Düsseldorf University. She holds a Franco-German Master’s Degree in business law, from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) and University in Düsseldorf.

Areas of focus

Insights on DFA sample deals and mandates.

German - French fiduciary transfer

DFA’s Christian Franz and Mélanie Clerc advise French Group in the recognition in Germany of the fiduciary transfer (fiducie) under French law of shares in the Group’s German GmbH subsidiary as collateral of the refinancing of the client group, and in the perfection of the transfer with regard to German transfer of title rules. 

#Corporate #French Desk

Level-up I fund invests in Awesome Prototype GmbH

DFA's Christian Franz and Mélanie Clerc (French desk) advised Level-Up Ventures, a Fund based in France/ Luxembourg in their investment in Awesome Prototype GmbH, Berlin.

Level-Up  is an investment fund primarily focused on mobile studios and gaming technologies.

#Venture Capital #French Desk

A few case examples for our practice from the last 20+ years with hands on management by the partners of DFA

Level-up I fund invests in MEta Games

DFA's Christian Franz and Mélanie Clerc (French desk) advised Level-Up Ventures, a Fund based in France/ Luxembourg in their investment in the gaming studio MEta Games.

Level-Up  is an investment fund primarily focused on mobile studios and gaming technologies.

Venture Capital #French Desk

Recent ICC arbitration proceedings in Paris


DFA team members have acted as counsel for oil and mining player in ICC arbitration in Paris involving German and French legal aspects.

#Dispute Resolution# International Business law #French Desk

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